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Southern Nirvana Branch

Nirvana Johor : Kulai / Tiram / Segamat

Nirvana Memorial Park, Kulai is situated at Kulai, Jln Kota Tinggi near Johor Bahru on a piece of fengshui land 67 acres in area. It is the first Nirvana memorial park outside of Kuala Lumpur in Peninsular Malaysia. It is a strategic location, only a 30 minutes’ drive from Johor Bharu.
富貴山莊 (古來)坐落於古來哥打丁宜路段,距離新山市區僅需四十分鈡。此山莊乃是富貴集團繼吉隆坡富貴山莊後的第二個風景墓園地點。環境地處幽靜唯美,被綿綿山巒環抱。
million ringgit trust fund

Features of Nirvana Memorial Park Johor 富贵山庄《新山》特色

Excellent Fengshui

风水绝佳 千年难求

Variety of choices


Full amenities

设备齐全 完善规划

Beautiful landscaping and contemporary sculture

风景优美 青翠园艺

Total peace of mind

预先购买 妥善安排

Trust fund with over RM90 million managed by RHB


Nirvana Johor Kulai 古来

Nirvana Memorial Park, Kulai is situated at Kulai, Jln Kota Tinggi near Johor Bahru on a piece of fengshui land 49 acres in area. It is the first Nirvana memorial park outside of Kuala Lumpur in Peninsular Malaysia. It is a strategic location, only a 30 minutes’ drive from Johor Bharu . It overlooks the surrounding gentle slopes being endowed with good geomancy, commanding a soothing view. Nirvana Memorial Park ,Kulai is designed with quaint architecture that has won numerous awards for Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih.

The Entrance Arch has a unique gate design . Inside the Park, there are temple, urn compartment palace and beautifully landscaped floral scenario. Lush greenery also permeates the whole Park which is serviced by spacious roads and ample parking lots.

The urn compartment palace is equipped with advanced laser systems and quaint Buddhist architecture. The Park is managed by the same professional standard that has made Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih such a house hold name. The salient features include first rate service, professional management, Perpetual Trust Fund, magnificent landscaping and far-sighted planning.

富貴山莊 (古來)坐落於古來哥打丁宜路段,距離新山市區僅需四十分鈡。此山莊乃是富貴集團繼吉隆坡富貴山莊後的第二個風景墓園地點。環境地處幽靜唯美,被綿綿山巒環抱。而此山莊也是由設計士毛月富貴山莊的設計名師一手打造,屢獲嘉獎。


古來富貴山莊,山延綿起伏,緩而不急,測落脈結地理佳穴,猶如金牛長眠穴中(牛眠地),牛眠地是風水學中蔔葬的吉地。全區有三條溪河盤旋而過,後天風水裁剪得當,不只景觀幽美,風水更是天造地設。 山莊也提供了充足的停車位以及寬裕的道路,讓來往入內的車輛都能順暢通行。伴有專業的服務團隊,一流的服務質量以及永久的產業信托管理,這務必是大衆們絕佳的選擇。

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Nirvana Johor Tiram 地南

Nirvana Memorial Park (Tiram) was established since 2001 and is located at Ulu Tiram, about 15 mins to the main town. It has approximately 10 acres of land with excellent geomancy attributes. Nirvana Memorial Park (Tiram) is enhanced with outstanding landscaping and natural environment, surrounded by greenery and exclusive landscape design that reflect the beauty and create an ambience of tranquility. Nestled with lush natural greenery, the park combines oriental traditions and architecture with modern design.

The columbarium comes in traditional and unique design, and the range of single plots and double plots feature different tomb designs to suit the needs of customers various religions.

Nirvana Memorial Park is a member of International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) and also the first privatized memorial park in the world to be awarded with ISO 9001: 2000 in recognition of its professionalism, high standard in services, good maintenance and after-sales service.




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Nirvana Johor Segamat 昔加末

Nirvana Memorial Park, Segamat was launched in 2003. Located at Jementah near Segamat on a piece of choice land 102 acres in area. It is a strategic location, only a 25 minutes’ drive from Segamat . It is on elevated ground and is endowed with good geomancy, commanding a breath-taking view.Nirvana Memorial Park, Segamat is designed with the same standard of landscaping and architecture that has won numerous awards for Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih.

The Entrance Arch is especially designed with the needs of the locals in mind. Inside the Park, there are temple, urn pavilians and beautiful landscaping which includes fountains, bridges and arbors. Lush greenery and permeates the whole Park which is serviced by spacious roads and ample parking lots.

The temple is situated on elevated ground which commands a breathe taking view of its surroundings.The Park, which was launched in 2003 is complemented by first rate service, professional management, Perpetual Trust Fund, magnificent view and far-sighted planning.

富贵山庄 (昔加末) 成立於2003年,位於昔加末一个极具策略性的地点~利民达,縂面积约103英畝,环境优美,风景宜人,乃不可多得之风水吉穴。距离昔加末市区僅25分鈡车桯,地点適中,交通方便!

富贵山庄不僅是国际墓园殡葬協会 (IFCCA) 的成员,更是世界第一家犾得 ISO 9001:2008认证的私营墓园,显示了富贵山庄无论在銷售、管理及服务第领域受国际认同。目前,富贵山庄更是亚洲最大殡葬企業公司。


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